Looking For A Way To Sell More?
Are you…
✓ Not connecting with enough prospects?
✓ Not closing enough deals?
✓ Not sure how to differentiate yourself from the competition?
✓ Not exerting enough influence in your sphere?
✓ Wondering how to make your prospects and clients quickly comfortable?
✓ Not getting what you “Really” want out of life?
Improve The Way You Sell
Do you want to…
✓ Book more appointments
✓ Close more sales
✓ Standout from the competition
✓ Build instant rapport
✓ Make your prospects and clients quickly comfortable
✓ Get the results you really want out of life
8 Classes held weekly:
Next Session: Every Friday April 5, 2024 – May 24, 2024
8:30 AM Mountain Time** (10:30 AM Eastern/7:30 AM Pacific)
**Class length is 60 minutes.
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997
Challenge Yourself
Now you can…
✓ Capture attention and make people want to know more
✓ Create lasting meaningful connections
✓ Set yourself apart so customers chase you
✓ Make yourself a socially valuable leader
✓ Earn more money
✓ Gain peace of mind
✓ Become a sales champion
✓ Have more fun and genuinely be more successful
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997

Learn How To…
1. Understand the Secrets of Your Subconscious: Unlock the Other 99% of Your Mind
Learn Why You…
✓ Keep making the same mistakes
✓ Have limiting beliefs
✓ Can’t break bad habits
Ever wonder why you keep making the same mistakes over and over again? Do you think: “Why am I stuck in a rut? Why am I nervous or afraid to talk to that new client? Why do I think I will be rejected instead of accepted? Why am I afraid to ask for a raise?” Ever wonder why other people seem so confident while you’re nervous, afraid, or just don’t feel worth it? Ever wonder why you can’t stay motivated? Ever wonder why you can’t seem to break bad habits?
It’s because you are currently being manipulated and you’re unaware. You’re being manipulated by your own subconscious and how it reacts to your environment. From marketing and advertising on the internet, television, and radio to the subliminal conditioning of familiar smells, colors, and sounds to the words of your friends, family, co-workers, direct superiors, and anyone else you interact with.
✓ Understand how your subconscious affects your decisions and take control of the surprising automatic mental processes that influence you every moment of every day. Learn to consciously navigate your subconscious reactions so that you can identify, eliminate and rise above the negative manipulation in your life
✓ Break bad habits and overcome the fear and other mental barriers that manipulate you, so you can take control of your success
✓ Take control, distinguish between, and create positive subliminal conditioning that surrounds you so that you can quickly and automatically reprogram your subconscious mind and change your life the way you want to
✓ Discover and use powerful, easy to follow, 5 minute techniques to help you dramatically improve the way you consciously react to negative situations so you can overcome your mental barriers and create success
✓ Eliminate unwanted and negative manipulation and have the power to manipulate your own subconscious the way you really want to

2. Side-Step Resistance: Identify (and Resolve) the Thinking Patterns Holding You Hostage
Learn Why You…
✓ Have trouble approaching new prospects
✓ Have a hard time making connections
✓ Stay stuck, fearful, and nervous
Are you having trouble starting new projects? Are you scared of approaching new prospects? Do you have difficulty making a connection with your co-workers? Are you anxious about asking for a raise or getting the sale? Are you the wall flower at the side of the room terrified to talk to someone unless they make the first move?
✓ How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere with the confidence and assurance that they will listen to you and enjoy a genuine connection so that you can get the sale or meet that new business partner and be the most interesting person in the room
✓ How to identify and eliminate the mental barriers of your existing thinking patterns and subconscious programing that keeps you from the success you desire so that you’re free to act and talk to the people you want to in interesting and constructive ways
✓ How to remove and resolve environmental and emotional triggers that your mental barriers react and respond to, so you can master your mind and stop bad habits dead in their tracks
✓ How to evaluate and re-invent the personal language of your success and see how the dialogue of your family, friends, and co-workers manipulates you to fail or succeed so you can truly be free of the doubt and fear your mind creates
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997

3. Get Comfortable in Your Own Skin: Love the External Reflection of Your Internal Self-Image
Learn Why You…
✓ Lack motivation
✓ Think people are judging you
✓ Sabotage yourself
Are you worried about what other people think? Are you so concerned that you’re paralyzed and nervous and clam up talking to new people or get the sweaty palms, sick to your stomach, head spinning feeling when making a presentation?
✓ How to be calm, charismatic, and self confident so that you put people at ease, connect with them and create the comfort to impress them and further your personal or business relationships
✓ How to overcome fears that sabotage your success
✓ How to transform your internal self image into a foundation of confidence
✓ How simple changes in your posture and presentation influences and improves the perception of success people have about you

4. Hear What’s Not Being Said: Learn to Decipher and Navigate Conversational Indicators and Respond Appropriately
Learn Why You…
✓ Are not as trustworthy as you think
✓ Can’t tell if someone is giving you buying signals
✓ Don’t help people feel as comfortable as you can
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it! Donald Trump is the master of this. The content of what Donald says enrages people, yet how he says it also sways them. The same can be said of many politicians and sales people. When you meet someone your subconscious makes instant decisions about whether to trust and like someone or to doubt and despise them.
✓ Be able to approach, meet and present yourself in a likeable way that creates instant trust and rapport so that you can make an easy comfortable connection and create lasting relationships
✓ How to read physical cues of the people you’re with to know what they’re thinking
✓ How to know if someone is interested in you and/or what you’re offering so you know your time is being spent productively with them or if you should move on
✓ How to change your physical position to create comfort and rapport with anyone you’re speaking with
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997

5. Be Memorable: How to Present Yourself with Confidence and Intrigue
Learn Why You…
✓ Are blending into the crowd
✓ Are not being remembered
✓ Are letting the competition get ahead
Most people present themselves in a boring way. How many times have you met someone and they tell you they’re a realtor, a car sales man, a banker, a lawyer, an accountant or computer programmer just like every other person in the same position? They present themselves in a boring way and fail to connect with people meaningfully.
✓ Be intriguing and socially valuable so that you connect with people in a meaningful way that sets you apart from everyone else
✓ Learn what makes you appear “just like everyone else” and makes you boring or even worse, invisible in a crowd
✓ Learn techniques that set you apart and make you socially valuable to the people you meet so you can create lasting relationships
✓ How to create credibility so you feel authentic and are genuine with the people you know and meet

6. Fascinate Anyone: Create Universal Connections Through Personal Story-Telling
Learn Why You…
✓ Might be perceived as boring or uninteresting
✓ Don’t connect with prospects as well as you could
✓ Tell the wrong stories
Many people are terrible storytellers. They go on and on about useless details that are uninteresting and bore everyone. In fact we all know sales people we can’t stand because they tell boring stories in irritating ways. Everyone also knows a great storyteller that can draw you in, making you want to hear every word. Storytelling is at the core of our being – it’s prehistoric communication before the written word was conceived, and it connects us on a primal level.
✓ Become the centre of attention in any room and connect with people on a primal level. You will become the most interesting person in the room at a party, networking event, company barbeque or even at the bar where everyone will want to listen to you because you connect with them through the power of personal conversational story telling
✓ How to determine the best stories to use that create meaningful connections with people
✓ Learn the secret formula of telling a personal story that sets you up for deeper conversations with prospective business or personal relationships
✓ How to prepare, write and deliver your personal stories genuinely instead of canned and pre-rehearsed
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997

7. Lead with Value: Increase Your Social Prestige Through Emotionally-Connective Conversations
Learn Why You…
✓ Can’t get them to call you back
✓ Are being blown off
✓ Have trouble advancing your professional and personal relationships
People blow you off, forget about you or don’t communicate after meeting you and you don’t get the sale, you don’t get that next business deal, or you don’t go on that date, or you get left out of the office parties and community events.
✓ Create excitement and emotional connection so you leave a lasting impression and have them chasing you as the person that can help them and they want to be around
✓ Learn why emotional conversations are the fastest way to create lasting friendships and business partnerships
✓ How to read others and respond appropriately to connect on a deeper level
✓ Learn how to navigate the 7 steps of manipulation so you connect emotionally at the right time to advance friendships and business partnerships

8. Putting Manipulation to Work For You: How to Defuse the Power, and Manage the Fall-Out of Toxic Relationships
Learn Why You…
✓ Feel overwhelmed and low energy
✓ Allow others to influence your decisions
✓ Take actions that are not always in your best interest
There are negative influences everywhere in life. From bad romantic relationships to cut throat business associates and coworkers to family members that drain you emotionally and mentally.
✓ Regain your energy and enthusiasm for the things that are important in your life and make decisions that are free from the biases and manipulations of others, so you can be the powerful person you feel you are meant to be, deep down inside!
✓ Learn to identify and defuse negative manipulation from influences you don’t even realize are there – from your own negative thinking, to work, family, friends, the media and all your surroundings
✓ How to identify common manipulation tactics people use to influence you and how to avoid the traps they set
✓ How it all comes together and how to put everything you’ve learned into practice in your everyday life
Total When You Buy Today: $2,997
What People Are Saying:
“The Manipulate the Sale Training was an eye opening experience. I’ve read psychology and self improvement books before, but this training really made me apply a lot of concepts to directly influence my psyche and consequently my sales.
The exercises we did require a bit of a phase shift and seem strange at first but they work to influence whatever it is you set out to improve in your life – not just sales!
I would recommend this program for those serious about improving their sales and having a mindset shift about how they approach the sales situations. This training gives techniques on how to have your potential clients naturally ask about your product or service instead of trying to pitch it to them like most sales people – and the best part, it feels natural!”
Denis S. – Edmonton, Alberta
“I was able to identify and pinpoint the differences between someone who just ‘thinks positively’ and someone who truly has mastered their thoughts and has them under control and therefore can produce results. I just wanted you to know that the way that you explained everything, and the organization of how it was put together is immaculate.”
Victoria L. – New South Wales, Australia
“I just want to say that after taking the Colin Christopher courses, they really made a big difference in my business. One particular area that I have applied to my business and myself is Training the Gatekeeper(the mind). I used to be so scared to make calls, I would assume the result of the call before I even made the call.
Applying the training that Colin had given us, I was able to free myself of pre-conceived notions by training my mind to believe positive things and expect good results. Also, his courses reminded me not to take anything personal in sales calls. If I got an objection, I used to just cave in and proceed to end the call, but after the sessions, and also the one on one session, I am now able to further ask more probing questions without being too pushy.
I apply this same principle in networking situations as well, I try to ask questions about the individual I’m speaking with in order to steer that conversation in the way I want it to go. Due to applying what I have learnt, I was able to win the CIBC Quarterly Achievers Award for Q32017…Thanks Colin…You’re the best :)”
Fiona D. – Edmonton, Alberta
“Your dedication to your craft and professionalism is quite impressive. I learned a lot which just goes to prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks.”
Brian S. – St. Albert, Alberta
“You are one of the greatest hypnotists I have ever seen and your Success Through Manipulation information is second to none. My kids even use your techniques. You are truly unbelievable!”
Shane F. – Toronto, Ontario
8 Classes held weekly:
Next Session: Every Friday April 5, 2024 – May 24, 2024
8:30 AM Mountain Time** (10:30 AM Eastern/7:30 AM Pacific)
**Class length is 60 minutes.